Wednesday, August 18, 2010


This weekend, my family heard of the story in Denver in which a brother died from donating a portion of his liver to his brother. We do not know the specific circumstances, other than he appeared to be healthy, and that the hospital is looking into the exact cause of death. Our hearts go out to the family, as well as the surgeons who were involved in this delicate procedure.

There have only been 4 donor deaths out of the 4,126 living liver transplants. (I often wonder if mom and I are included in this data yet.) Maybe it's 4,127? Two deaths have been in 2010. However, this is still remarkable, and I hope that the hospital resumes these types of transplants.

When I read the article, I was stunned.
So many similarities.
* They were informed of the risks.
* The donor was healthy (I believe he was 34).
* The donor complained of shoulder pain post-op.
* The donor was a blood relative.
* The brothers seemed to have an extremely supportive family system.
* The donor donated just over 60% of his liver.
* Chad said, "I tried to talk him out of it, but he wouldn't hear of it."
* Chad had PSC too.

Did it stun me? Yes. For a few days.
Did I question my decision for one second? Absolutely not.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and the CU staff during this trying time. Chad, we wish you a speedy recovery.


  1. Martha- I don't know if you will get this but I just wanted to let you know I have been trying to find out how to communicate with you.
    I have been reading about your ordeal and so sorry you and Ashley have gone through all of this but so happy you both are doing well. Our prayers will be with you for your continued recovery. I am assuming you are still in Virgina, a perfect place to recover. Another bit of great news..Jamie and Melissa had a baby boy on Sunday, Micah Edward Hardenbrook. Take care, all my love Debbie

  2. Debbie - send me your email - just read this - here it is November!! We are continuing to do home in adding to the blog as I write to you..hope all is well!
