Thursday, August 12, 2010

Keep on keepin' on...

Mom is doing great! She emailed me her recent blood work results, but I must have deleted them by accident. All her liver levels were perfect. Her nurse said that they were, "awesome!" So, we are so pleased. She told me today that she walked for 45 minutes today, which is even more awesome.

Among other things, Mom also has a knack for finding four leaf clovers. She has found probably 30 or more since we arrived in Virginia in late May. I found one. Typical. I think I could have found more if I were a little more patient...

I plan on going up to see Mom and Dad in a few weeks if I can handle the drive after work. I can't wait!

I am back to work, and enjoying it. The summer was a perfect time to recover. I have been walking at the park for over a month now, but it is too hot to walk after work. I am itching to get back into heavy working out, but it's just not time yet.

Last night, I tried to do some leg lifts. You know, the easy kind where you lay on your side and...lift your leg. I used to do them with weights. Like hundreds. I tried 30, and about died. This is when I realized, "abdominal surgery is no joke." I actually think I said that out which my dog just stared at me like, "Duh. this is why was having all my panic attacks!" Then, I chatted with a good friend about it, and we had a good laugh at my realization of this...ten weeks post-op. Again, typical Ashley. So, I guess for having my abs ripped open, I'm doing very well, thankyouverymuch.

We couldn't be more pleased with the results thus far. Every now and then, I stop to reflect on the summer. I wish I had kept more of a daily diary, but in hind sight, I know I was way too tired and impatient for all of that. We are blessed.

Thank you everyone for your continued thoughts and prayers as mom has her 3 month check up and finally comes back home! We are a little (translation: a lot) nervous about germs!


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