Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tuesday Update

Ashley here...

Today Bryan and I are headed to the lake house at Smith Mountain Lake. We are very excited, but I am SO wary about the beds there. Ouch. Still in considerable back pain, that is minimal during the day, but terrible at night. The lake is our favorite place to me, and I know my dog will love being there too.

Mom is doing SO WELL. She had her first blood work yesterday, and the levels were "about the same" (slightly elevated), but it wasn't enough for them to adjust her medicines. She looks really, really great too! I just hope she rests and takes it easy!

Some have asked about recovery for me:

1. 6-8 weeks
2. Do not lift anything more than 5 pounds for 4 weeks. I know I've broken this rule, but it's almost impossible. On the flip side, I do not open heavy doors or pick up things heavier than my laptop. The problem is the use of the ab muscles. I never realized how much they are used for everything.
3. Do not swim or take a bath, showers are fine.
4. Do not drive.
5. Rest and relax!
6 There are no food restrictions, other than probably sushi.

Mom and I go back to UVA on Tuesday for blood work, and a check up. I am not sure what they will do for the check up part, but the blood work will be to make sure that her levels are all appropriate for the amount of medicine she has to take. My blood work will be to make sure my pancreatitus (sp) is gone (still not sure what that is), and all body functions are back to normal.

As for how I am feeling, I really feel great! I am quite (extremely) sore at night, but other than that, I just move slowly. I really am resting, despite what some may think. :)

I also can't figure out if I have a huge appetite, or if I'm just eating so much less at meals, that I feel hungry more often. I am not a snacker, so this is new to me. I also wonder if growing a liver back burns extra calories.

So, Bryan and I are off in a few hours. First stops: Michael's (we are getting a picture Bryan wants framed for him), Bodo's (some for the road), and somewhere that sells comfy chairs for the screen porch.

That's all for now! I don't think I knew what to expect post surgery, but our improvements surpass my expectations! :)

1 comment:

  1. What a journey. I know all of you will be excited to be at the lake together. You girls really need to rest and follow doctors orders. This recoup time is very important. Will keep you all in my prayers. Gayle
