Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mom's Story

Quoted from Martha her self....

"I was diagnosed with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC) in 1992. I had been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis when I was in collage and managed it, I thought pretty well throughout the years…sometimes on medication and sometimes not. I was cared for very well by the doctors I had and was happy with that. The ulcerative colitis over the years caused me to get colon cancer, in which I was diagnosed with in late 1994. In early 1995 I had my colon removed and had a colostomy for short period of time. Then I had a “reversal” where I would have no outside “bag” as they say. I always knew colon cancer was a possibility, but until you get the diagnosis, it never really seems real. That is the way it was for me with PSC. The doctor told me that is what I had, and this is what happens when you have it, and this is what we do to treat it and we will monitor it and you can live a long long time with it…maybe your whole life. But (there is the key word), there may come a time when you will need a liver transplant. Of course being the positive person I am – and continue to be – I never thought that I would need a liver transplant! Sort of like I never thought I would get colon cancer…knew there was a possibility but never thought I would get it! Wrong on two counts! Oh, in the mean time – late 2005 – I was diagnosed with gall bladder cancer – that was a very very lucky break (if you can ever say that about any of this!) From time to time I struggled with blockages due to scar tissue from the colon surgery. This would cause complications and force me to go to the emergency room. They would give me some meds and it would pass…LOL! On one particular visit, the emergency room doctor seemed to think there was something else going on. He admitted me to the hospital where I had numerous tests…he thought I had gallbladder cancer…I saw my regular gastro doctor and, although he didn’t think I had cancer, he referred me to a surgeon who took the gall bladder out. Sure enough, they found the cancer – contained thank goodness! What a blessing that blockage was since gall bladder cancer is seldom diagnosed early enough, and thus usually it is not a good prognosis. I thank every day the doctor in the emergency room for just “thinking” that something else was going on... I could have been sent home once the blockage passed thinking everything was fine…he literally saved my life. "

"Now we are on a new pathway. I have known I was in need of a new liver for about 2 years now. Once it was determined, both of our dear children immediately volunteered to be a donor for me. ….A very difficult place for a mother to be, but both Ashley and Bryan were very insistent and the doctors said this was a good choice given the fact that I may never get sick enough for a transplant. In addition, because I have a higher than normal risk for bile duct cancer, it made even better sense. Our daughter, Ashley will be the donor for me and we have been able to work around her schedule so it seems to be working out. "

"Because Piedmont Hospital , where my wonderful primary doctors are, does not do living donor liver transplants, we ended up at UVA Transplant Center . My doctor here knows one of the doctors there, we have a lake house in VA and my best friend lives in Charlottesville . So except for the fact that we will be away for an extended time, things have meshed together quite well. The support of my family and friends – especially my dear husband – has been so wonderful. I was sure Ed would become frustrated at my obsessiveness at researching everything I could about what is about to happen, but he was patient and understands that knowledge is power. "

"I am ever thankful for our wonderful son, Bryan, for his quiet caring and keeping everyone updated on our journey..for being a real support to Ed and Ashley and for always being there in our time of need."

"So here we are a little over a week away…looking forward to getting it behind us so we can get on with our lives!"


  1. Thank you for doing this blog. Please keep us posted.

  2. We continue to pray for Ashley and Martha. I appreciate your setting up the blog. We need to know what is happening so we can pray more specifically. Thanks

    Bill and Carolynn Lane
